Frequently asked questions

  • Yes as long as you have been given the go ahead by your Doctor.

    If you are a NEW client to Precision Pilates Studio, we request that you attend a 1:1 session prior to joining an already established class to offer you an assessment and guide you through what to expect during your Pilates sessions throughout your Pregnancy and how to work safely during each trimester.

    You will need to inform us that you are pregnant before booking onto a class.

    If you already attend our classes and fall pregnant then you MUST inform us of your exciting news via email.

    Please be aware that our classes are not specific pre or post natal classes but we offer modified exercises that are safe throughout your pregnancy.

  • If you are a complete beginner first of all we are excited that you have decided to start Pilates.

    We request that you attend a 1:1 session with us prior to joining an already established class. Alternatively we do offer some beginner courses and specific beginner one off classes to learn the “fundamentals” of pilates. Please enquire about these dates.

  • It can be daunting going to your first Pilates class and knowing what to wear can be a bit of a worry!
    There are no particular rules for the type of clothing you should wear to a Pilates class and your outfit doesn’t need to be expensive either, however we ask that it is appropriate.

    Here are our top tips for a comfortable experience…

    Trousers/ leggings should not be too baggy. The teacher needs to see your body to check your alignment whilst doing the exercises.

    If wearing leggings, please make sure they aren’t see-through! You spend a fair amount of time on your back with your legs in the air! White underwear, or no underwear, with see-through leggings… need we say anymore!

    It is also wise to regularly inspect your leggings for holes and wear and tear to protect your dignity.

    Avoid anything with zips, or buttons which might be uncomfortable to lie on.

    Yes its fine to wear shorts to Pilates!

    As with leggings, be aware that you be spending time on your back with legs in the air, please wear something close fitting and supportive underneath your shorts if they are loose fitting.

    A t-shirt is fine, perhaps with a sweat shirt (or Precision Pilates Studio hoody 😉) over it until you have warmed up.

    Make sure any top you wear is not too baggy, again, the teacher needs to see your body alignment while moving, however, it doesn’t need to be skin tight.

    For women, we would recommend not wearing anything too low cut, for some exercises you will be lying on your front raising your upper body.

    Shoes and Socks
    During Pilates you don’t wear shoes, only to get to the class! Please store your shoes (and outdoor clothing) in the boxes provided when you arrive at the studio.

    We have a ‘wear socks’ policy in the studio, this is for hygiene reasons and to prevent slipping. Please wear non-slip/grippy socks throughout your Pilates workout.